LB hangs clicking Filter Values: Title drop list

Issue #1492 new
Former user created an issue

In Launchbox 6.8, I went to create a custom filter so I could just show my favorite Platforms list on the left side, which is really cool that you can create custom filters so easily! I LOVE that!

I accidentally clicked on the Filter Values: "Title" drop down list selection. Oh boy was that a HUGE mistake as LB has been in its 'not responding' state busy trying to produce a drop list off around 23k items for me! hahaha. I'm going to try to wait it out to see if it ever snaps out of it and comes back to life (it's been like this minutes so far) so I don't have to kill the process and potentially corrupt my LB xml file again. I know it's doing something because one cpu is pegged on launchbox.exe. I suppose special code handling is needed for selections that may be enormous.

ok, i killed the LB process after waiting for several minutes. lucky for me, i did not have to restore a backup copy of lunchbox.xml

in the end, i can't seem to get the filter i want. what i want to do is just show my favorite platforms on the left. all i can get it to do is show all my favorite platforms inside one custom filter name so the left side just has "Favorite Platforms".

is it possible to somehow show on the left side of LB and BB only a list of certain platforms? That's what I'm shooting for. I don't want all the games from all the selected platforms to be together, but that is a valid filter to have as well so i wouldn't want to see that go away.

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