Parental Controls and Profiles

Issue #1495 new
Lord Monkus created an issue

Having user profiles with parental controls to hide adult games and a lockout feature with a pin code entry to unlock would be good.

Comments (10)

  1. Jay Thompson

    And profiles beyond Kids/Adult would be nice as well. For example, a profile for a well rounded set up to show off to guests and a profile to tinker with settings and stuff before making those settings live on the main show off profile.

  2. Elle Burgess

    Profile support that included help managing separate game save profiles would be amazing, however even separate profiles for favorites, ratings, preferred shader setups would be an incredible start.

    User context: We have a multi-user livingroom setup, and have different needs and preferences with regard to visibility, and ideally, would like to be able to switch between profiles to keep game saves apart.

  3. Mike Miller

    +1 for parental controls!

    I need an easy way to lock my kid out from playing it when he's grounded, but still allow others to play :)

  4. James Grummell

    Really surprised the 2021 community poll in the forums placed this as such a low priority. I would love to see this feature added so that I can restrict the games shown for nieces and nephews when they come over without having to look over their shoulder for each choice. Playlists are a nice solution in the meantime but you lose the separation by platform that way and running two instances of launchbox with only acceptable games is a database nightmare to maintain. Even just an ESRB max rating allowed in locked mode would go a long way.

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