Navigation from Options to game wheel always gets stuck for several seconds

Issue #1510 resolved
Carl Paulino created an issue

In Bigbox 6.8, any time I go into the Options menu and then Back and Back to the game wheel, it seems to hang up for several seconds (literally 15 seconds or so) before it gets to the game wheel and the app is frozen during this time. I do not have to make any settings changes at all for this to happen. I simply have to go from the game wheel to to Options menu and back. I don't think it should be saving any settings if I don't change anything, and even if it does save settings, it shouldn't take so long making the app appear frozen. I am using Windows 10 x64 Pro with latest updates, 8GB ram (plenty of free memory), SSD drive for OS, usb3 5TB drive for all of LB/games/emulators/media. I have about 23k games across many platforms and mostly configured to run via Rocketlauncher. I have a usb wired xbox360 controller with xpadder running, a usb keyboard, and a usb mouse. Let me know if you need any other info. Thanks.

Comments (4)

  1. Carl Paulino reporter

    Same exact thing happens in regular Launchbox also. Just go to Tools/Options and click OK with no changes. Takes so long. I checked the launchbox.xml file before and after. The modified time is indeed updated after doing this with no setting changes. Then I compared the before and after launchbox.xml file with a file diff tool and they come out exact matches. I looked at the xml backups folder, but it did not create a backup file the last time i tried this, so i guess the wait isn't because of writing out a new backup file.

  2. Carl Paulino reporter

    i had a look at process monitor after clicking ok in options. -first i see a create file operation for a brand new non existing backup xml file, but at the end this backup xml file is not there in the backup folder. -then it shows some read file write file operations to the latest existing backup xml file, but no modifications are actually made to this latest backup file. - no real time taken up to this point - then it does a huge amount of read file and write file operations to R:\LaunchBox\Metadata\Temp\21fc62c3-20f6-4da7-9461-702331728b4a. this goes on for about 19 seconds! - then the hang is gone and back to the normal launchbox interface.

  3. Carl Paulino reporter

    Oh goooood news. That one was killing me. Hope it's faster now in LB also since I'm in there all the time. I'm not in BB settings nearly as much as LB.

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