Frequent CTD going back to the platform screen from a games List (BigBox)

Issue #1511 resolved
Mars Affe created an issue

Frequent (1 in 3 times) CTD with this Error with Launchbox 6.9 beta 3, had these with 6.8 too. It happens when I go back from any game selecetion screen or from the platform selection screen to the options menu (Windows 10 Home 64bit):

"System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt. bei (VlcPlayer , IntPtr , IntPtr ) bei Meta.Vlc.Wpf.VlcPlayer.VideoDisplayCallback(IntPtr opaque, IntPtr picture)"

Reproduction is possible, though it doesn't happen every time I change the screens!

Keep up the good work!

Best regards (and many thanks for the full version of LB from your sweepstake, btw)


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