Adding MAME and other arcade systems clones as additional apps on import

Issue #1519 resolved
DOS76 created an issue

"@Jason CarrI thought of this the other night but haven't mentioned it yet but what if like the new method to add subsequent disks as additional apps we added an option to parse the MAME list and add the clones as additional apps then you would only be skipping the other junk you would get the clones but they wouldn't at the same time be junking up your install with many multiples of the same game taking up visible space on your screen. Also it would be cool if you could work in a number that would appear for a game with any additional apps showing which games had them set up and how many you had setup for that game." Quoted straight form the forum the more I thought about it though the number for the apps would be like icing on the cake but really unnecessary if it isn't super easy to implement just a generic marker indicating that there was additional apps would be more than sufficient.

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