REALLY slow downloads from your server

Issue #1557 resolved
Steven Faust created an issue


I'm in the UK and my download speeds for anything from your server are REALLY slow. I'm on an 80 Mb/s connection and normally see download speeds around 8 MB/s. From your server it's around 40-50KB/s, or worse it just stops downloading.

When updating to the latest beta this morning, it took me around 2 hours to update and downloading a theme is saying it will take 45 minutes, and the first time I tried it just stopped downloading.

It seems to be fine around the forums, but any downloads are super slow.


Comments (6)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Steven, this is an issue I've known about for a while but I have no idea how to fix, sadly. It seems limited to only folks from the UK, or at least only folks from Europe. For application downloads I plan to move them over to Azure which should hopefully help for worldwide speeds, but the forums are a separate issue. I can't really move those downloads since they're community contributed.

  2. Steven Faust reporter

    Hi Jason,

    This doesn't seem to be an issue again now. I'm cobhc on the forums and as Rincewind confirmed, everything seems to be fine again now.

    Thank you.

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