My ideas for awersome web browser gaming in launchbox and bigbox

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Hello :) I just wanted to say thanks for making this awesome program. I really love it. After having added roughly every game ever, i suddenly got the idea to add web browser games aswell. I found a app called that lets you download a browser game as a shortcut and when opened it will open in full screen and good resolution for bigger screens. I have now added a lot of games this way and its working really nice since i lucekly have a mouse and keyboard aswell as a controller that i use for 99% of the games on my system.

I have a few ideas for a feteaure you can add in if you want to make alot of games playable for everyone :) Since launchbox is for all games it includes web games aswell.

So here is how it would work. I figure everything i describe should be possibly to add whitout to much work. i dont programming so i may be wrong. use the idea only if you like it/or its even possible :)

  1. You go to add games and next to add rom\steam\dos there is now also a ''add browser game'' option.

  2. When you click it you get to a wizard where you do a couple of steps to add your game perfectly.

  3. First, you put in the link to the game. Maybe you could make something like swiffout, or you could get the developer of that program to help do this. He seems like a nice guy. Or you could just make the game file with swiffout and just add it. Then you have the game in fullscreen.

  4. Next step. You are asked if you want to add controller setup for your game. Most games only use the arrows and 2-3 more keys. Depending on the game you setup each game sepertly, so you get the right controls for every game. The right analog could be used as a mouse. This would enable 100s of click and point and adventure games to be playable aswell.

  5. You are asked to input developer, realease date, descipton and picutre\video for the game. In time the game db will grow and it will be automatic for most games.

6.Thats its. You now have a whole new category with 10000s of games to be played fullscreen with your controller. I really reccomend checking swiffout out. alot of games that lock like shit in small screen with ads and such looks beautifull in fullscreen on my tv.

Would this be possibly to do?

Below are just a quick list of games that would be playable with bigbox if this was done. You gotta admit its pretty cool. (Super Mario Crossover),html,silverlight,unity And TONS of facebook games :)

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