Fix Dreamcast launching out-of-LaunchBox

Issue #1587 resolved
Carl Paulino created an issue

please see this forum link which details this problem and includes a batch file workaround and custom autohotkey script. i'd much rather see this working out-of-box by Launchbox.

i think getting emulators and games working quickly and easily for users is most important. i hate adding batch files and scripts ;P

Comments (11)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Carl, I believe I have this fixed for the next beta. I added GDI to the priority list so it picks GDI over the other files.

  2. Carl Paulino reporter

    Woohoo!!! That's good! I'll wait for the stable release (6.9) to upgrade and throw the batch file to the dogs! Thanks!

  3. Carl Paulino reporter

    Seems not fixed in 6.9. I changed from using batch file to demule.exe. After extraction, Demul opened, but no game and LB sits there pegging my cpu one full core. Been like this for about 3 minutes after Demul opened so far.

  4. Carl Paulino reporter

    pressed escape in Demul emulator window and Demul exited. LB still pegging CPU. exit LB from file menu -> LB closes down. launch LB again and ok. but guess i need to switch back to using the batch file for Dreamcast Demul.

  5. Carl Paulino reporter

    also lunchbox.exe process memory usage was climbing fast when this happened as it was well over its normal 512MB

  6. Carl Paulino reporter

    my bad it works. when i switched from batch to demul.exe it did not populate the command parameter. after adding: -run=dc -image= it works!! sorry about that!

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