Importing Steam games

Issue #1597 new
chyatt6385 created an issue

I've noticed that sometimes when I import my Steam games, it doesn't import them all. For example, I've had Heroes in the Sky (HIS) for at least a couple of weeks now. I've done an import about 3 times this week (my wallet has been busy buying bundles), and that game is just now being imported. Nothing has changed with regard to the game's status as far as Steam is concerned - it was installed, and it has stayed installed since I got it.

Wasn't sure if this was a known issue or not - after all, the game DID get imported, it just took a few tries to do it. This has happened in previous versions of LaunchBox, but at the moment my version is (beta) on Windows 10. It's just been a minor issue for me.

Edit: I watched closer on a more recent import, and HIS did NOT get imported. I can't see any reason why; the game is installed locally and appears on a search in Steam in my game listings. I have all the achievements finished for it (only 1 for this one), but that hasn't prevented any other games from being scraped. It shows up in the "to be imported" list as well.

Edit: Updated to LaunchBox today (9/12), performed another Steam import, HIS (Heroes In the Sky) showed up on the list to be imported but never arrived in the local database. Verifying screenshots are attached. Puzzling; all the rest of my games made it. Problem with Steam, perhaps? Does this happen with any other Steam game?

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