Updates to Launchbox Not Happening

Issue #1647 invalid
James Snell created an issue

I have a forever premium license for Launchbox, but my current version is 4.1 and has not updated. Is updating automatic or do I have to do manual updates? I went through the update to forever license process on your website and it terminated with an error stating that my license was already a forever one. Attached is a copy of my license file. I'm using Windows 7 (desktop) and Windows 10 (laptop).

Comments (4)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi James, wow. That's a pretty old version. I know updates were messed up at one point a long time ago so that might be the problem. Sorry for the trouble there. You can download the latest version from the website and then just install over top. Make sure you back up your LaunchBox folder though because upgrading from a version that old is a bit risky, though it should work. The license has nothing to do with it.

  2. James Snell reporter

    Updated from version 4.1 to current version successfully(?).  A large part of the images I was using for front and back covers did not transfer and I will have to do that by hand.  I have not yet confirmed that all of the games still load and execute correctly.  I rate the update process only semi-successful as it left me with a lot of work to get back to where I was.

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