Suggestions for unknown titles

Issue #1682 new
Former user created an issue


I have a small proposition for when you're adding a large directory with roms. Quite often, most of the titles will be recognized, but usually a small number of these won't. So, I'm suggesting that during the importing of the games you make a list of suggestions that could match a game.

For example: "Phantasy Star: The End of the Millennium" This title isn't recognized, since the actual title is "Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium". What you could do is: A) Split up the title at ":" and query the first part, and then filter on the second part, which would leave you with the correct game. B) Collect a dictionary to see how common words are and try to query on uncommon words for the system, in this case "Phantasy" and "Millennium". The union of those could be the suggestions. Perhaps sorted by the Levenshtein distance? C) This one might be a bit harder. The idea is that there shouldn't be too many different roms for the same game. Take the rom data and generate a checksum. If the checksum matches a known checksum for the game, supply it as a suggestion. For large roms, you could cap the checksum size at the first x bytes.

PS I'm very pleased with the front-end thus far. Great job.

Kind regards,

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