Can't unassign controller button mapping in BB

Issue #1726 new
Carl Paulino created an issue

I see no way to unassign a button to NONE again. It says to press backspace, but it lies as that does nothing. Zombeaver also wonders how to do it. Seems like a clear bug to me. 6.10

Comments (6)

  1. Carl Paulino reporter

    note, i can't use Escape either because I have escape tied to exiting the application, so that kills BB. the killing of BB should be disabled when in an active awaiting button or key assignment field.

  2. Carl Paulino reporter

    in case the text instructions in the field to "use Back key to clear..." means the controller button assigned to Back, that doesn't work either to clear the setting.

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Carl, the controller button assigned to Back won't work for this because it's looking for a controller button. What should work is whatever key you have assigned to Back in your keyboard mappings. Let me know if that isn't working for you.

  4. Jason Carr repo owner

    Should probably use something like this in order to reduce confusion: Use the Back (Left-Alt) key to clear

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