New HDD: >6 min load time & always crashing?

Issue #1768 resolved
Dave Nelson created an issue
  • LB 6.11 & 6.10 (happened even after update)
  • Windows 10
  • Happens every time I start LB now
  • All I have to do is start LB

I had my games on a 4TB external drive, but wanted to avoid the lag with PS2 backups, so I got a 4TB internal drive for my Windows 10 machine.

  1. Formatted the new hdd as NTFS and GPT
  2. Went into computer management, changed the old drive letter from F to H and the new drive's letter to F, since F was the letter in the XML
  3. Copied all the folders verbatim into the new hdd from the old hdd
  4. Fired up Launchbox, took 6 minutes to load past "populating games" splash, repeated this step after updating to 6.11.
  5. Clicked on Filter by Platform, crashed with "not responding"
  6. Restarted computer
  7. Fired up Launchbox, took 7 minutes to load past "populating games" splash
  8. Started up a game, ran fine, exited out of the emulator, Launchbox crashed with "not responding"
  9. Fired up Launchbox, took 6 minutes to load past "populating games" splash
  10. Clicked on a Genre, Launchbox crashed with "not responding"

Comments (9)

  1. Dave Nelson reporter

    I'll be attempting to format the new HDD as MBR instead of GPT right now and starting the copy process to eliminate an MBR vs GPT cause.

  2. Dave Nelson reporter

    I'll have to try that overnight, I can't get one big partition with MBR, it gets split into 2 partitions with MBR, GPT doesn't. Hopefully you can tell me GPT isn't the problem.

  3. Dave Nelson reporter

    MBR is out of the question, even with Minitool Partition Wizard I lose 2tb of the drive. Made sure the volume label matched the old hdd, copying files now.

  4. Carl Paulino

    GPT shouldn't be a problem or have anything to do with LB. Are you still running Launchbox from your external drive or from the new internal drive where you copied your games to? Does LB work ok when you run it from your external drive?

  5. Andrew Irving

    I'm running LB on a 4TB drive, GPT partition, Windows 10. LB 6.11. No issues. (its a little slow to load, but I blame my old computer for that).

    I would install a fresh copy of LB (save / backup your current config stuff) and see if it loads ok. like fresh download copy of LB. I would suspect a bad config setting in there somewhere....

  6. Dave Nelson reporter

    The LB i was using was on my internal OS drive, the old backups were on an external, the new 4tb is an internal. I'll try a fresh launchbox install, hopefully the xml works when i copy it over.

  7. Carl Paulino

    your paths to things could be wrong if you move the LB install or install new LB to different drive and copy in old xml configs. your paths to games could be wrong too if you moved your games. just something to keep in mind.

  8. Dave Nelson reporter

    In case the install directory was a factor in any settings, I renamed the old folder to "LaunchBoxOLD" and installed a fresh 6.11. Copied over all the images/videos/manuals, working fine now.

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