Autohotkey script lines are ignored

Issue #1791 resolved
Carl Paulino created an issue

Win 10 x64. Anything I try to put in the ahk tab of an emulator configuration gets ignored. The only thing that seems to work in there is the closing of the startup app via escape keypress. I tried adding a line in there to run nomousy /hide without pressing any hotkey and it never runs. As a test I also tried adding a simple line "MsgBox Hello World" and never got a message box either. I'm wondering if the only thing that will work in there is hotkey actions? This would have been a great way to set custom events at the emulator level rather than having to manually add before and after additional apps to every single game individually. Using ahk was suggested by Jason, but doesn't seem to work.

Comments (6)

  1. Carl Paulino reporter

    this is killing me. i need a way to use this since there is no feature for adding additional apps at the platform and/or emulator level. i may just need to write a script to add the desired additional apps to every game inside the platform or emulator xml file.

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Thanks for this Carl. I think we just finally fixed this in the live stream. Oddly it was working properly for events but wasn't working for running things on startup. I didn't think that was possible but apparently I was wrong. Should hopefully be fixed for the next beta though, thanks for giving me the details on this stuff.

  3. Carl Paulino reporter

    oh man i'm glad to hear that!! but i just read this after already putting together a script that is able to add my desired before/after additional applications to my specific platform xml file for ALL games in it. and it works! but i really didn't want to do that for various reasons. i'll restore my backup copy of Sony Playstation.xml now. i have to backup the data folder myself since LB doesn't do it anymore (since you split the xml files).

  4. Carl Paulino reporter

    Jason, you said it is working for events. I think there still might be an issue on that one. I filed a different bug a while ago that hasn't received any attention. I already have an ahk line in my Daphne $Esc:: events to kill Xpadder and then close the daphne.exe process. This has only been working from keyboard Escape. When using controller automation to escape (close the active window), it does not do the Xpadder kill. It does do the Xpadder kill if I press the Escape key from keyboard.

  5. Carl Paulino reporter

    just tried the new fix. It works! woohoo! it seems not to run the $Esc:: events if using controller automation only if your emulator is set to start by LB running a batch file. so it doesn't work for me with Daphne (since i have LB set to run Daphne from batch file) to kill Xpadder at xbox360 controller automation exit, although it is able to start Xpadder now. for Demul and Dreamcast, i have LB set to run the emulator itself (not a batch file), so in this case it works to run nomousy /hide and unhide from escape key exit or controller automation exit! thanks!!

    EDIT: i also can't get the killing of Xpadder to run in the epsxe ps1 ahk script on escape event only if exiting with xbox360 controller. exiting works fine killing Xpadder just using escape key.

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