LaunchBox taking an age to startup, and crashing on view update

Issue #1882 closed
Meson W created an issue

LaunchBox is taking around 5-10 minutes to startup now. When editing a game's details and clicking on the platform to refresh the view, the program hangs indefinitely, appearing as though it is working, but remains Not Responding.

LaunchBox Version: 7.0-beta-5 Windows 10 Home 64bit Every startup, and every view config change Steps to reproduce: start up LaunchBox, edit a game's genre, click on platform to refresh view.

Comments (3)

  1. Meson W reporter

    Better summary: -

    LaunchBox takes 10mins to start up, change platform view, or make settings change (library size of just under 11000).

    Verified as an issue in v 7.0b5 through to 7.0b8.

    BigBox is not affected. Starts up and navigates without issue. It is just the Desktop application.

  2. Meson W reporter

    7.05b9 has removed the issue from my system. So happy :) Anyway, whether by chance or deliberate bug-swatting, thank you. Keep up the great work guys!

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