Multi-Disc Entry Parsing - Search pattern enhancement

Issue #1925 new
Pacman56 created an issue

Yesterday I tested the “Import > ROM Files” with the latest beta (7.0-beta-8) now that the multi-disk support has been implemented. Unfortunately, errors appear when attempting to import my Apple II software list roms.

Some old computers like the Apple II had single sided floppy drives where you sometimes has to flip over the floppy disk over to read the other side (side B). Consequently, the software dumps were named to reflect the floppy disk side such as: “Disk 1 Side A”, “Disk 1 Side B”, etc. If you look at the highlighted text on my screenshots below, you’ll notice that the Disc column is not always filled-in which I believe causes the errors and as a result, a number of roms won’t get imported.

Note: The file names I’m using are from the official HS xml. I’ve also looked at the naming convention used by TOSEC and they are also using “Side A”, “Side B” in their file names.

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