Scoll-able Text for Platform/Game Details Not Working?

Issue #1932 resolved
William Jones created an issue

I love the scroll-able text feature. It scrolls at a perfect pace and makes reading the game and platform overview work perfectly. However, my PC crashed about 4-5 months ago and I lost my Big Box license and haven't been able to test this feature out since.

I noticed when watching the promo video for the CriticalZone theme that the overview section (2nd column) is completely scroll-able, but the details column (1st column) doesn't scroll at all.

-For non scroll-able platform details: (0:20; 0:29; 0:52; 1:54; and 2:13 marks)

There is no evidence I can show for the game details not being scroll-able from the video. That's because all of the game details views in the video have a text box big enough to contain all of the text on the screen. Therefore, no scrolling required. However, CriticalCid is looking to add more views and I requested a specific view for him to add recently, where not all of the game details' text will fit on the screen and will have to be scroll-able. Therefore, it's worth noting that it may not work and should be tested.

Is this an oversight or is this text just not scroll-able on this theme? I would test for myself, but as I said, my old computer died and so did with Big Box license with it.

Comments (2)

  1. William Jones reporter

    I just noticed that this feature is available from the last demo video from Launchbox. My bad. The setting isn't checked by default. I feel foolish lol. I'm resolving this ticket.

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