Keeps crashing on startup

Issue #1939 resolved
Heatley2001 created an issue

Launchbox will work for a couple days with no problem then when I click on it to start it up I get this error box. Then I click ok and it shuts it down.

  • It appears that your LaunchBox\Data\Settings.xml is corrupt; LaunchBox cannot continue. Please try restoring a backup of the file from the Backups folder inside your LaunchBox root folder.

Root element is missing.*

Last time it happened I had to uninstall everything and reinstall and it work for a few days then today I got that error again. I really don't what to have to uninstall and reinstall and add all my roms back again.

Anyway to help fix this from happening again? Thank you.

  • Version 6.12

  • Windows 10

  • Everytime I click the icon to start it up. 2nd time in 2 weeks it's happened. Last time I uninstalled and reinstalled.

  • I click on the desktop icon to start up the program

  • Wrote error text earlier in post.

Comments (3)

  1. Alex Dubois

    Hi Heatley2001,

    Can you tell us where your LaunchBox installation folder is located, and any information relating to what you were doing the last time this happened? Also, does following the directions given in the error message resolve the issue?

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Heatley, you can restore a backup Settings.xml file from the LaunchBox\Backups folder. This shouldn't be happening though in the first place. Let us know if you have any more details.

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