Using Alternate Name when searching the LB DB doesn't work

Issue #1941 closed
Norfair created an issue

There are two issues:

  1. When adding a game there is no matching on Alternate Name

  2. When downloading artwork you won't get the artwork for the correct region

Details on issue 1:

I've started to make some contributions to the LB DB and used the new feature Alternate Name.

I've made changes to this game which has been approved:

The default US name is "Marble Saga: Kororinpa", and it has the Alternate Name "Marbles! Balance Challenge" (Europe).

I've tested re-adding the game "Marbles! Balance Challenge (Europe)", but LB can't find the game in the LB DB. There doesn't seem to be any matching on Alternate Name

Details on issue 2:

The game has two "Box - Front". One default for US and one for Europe.

When I click "Download Images/Media" on the Edit Game page, I get "Box - Front (2)". I must download both images when LB should be able to decide which image to get.

LB Version: 7.0 beta 10

Comments (3)

  1. Alex Dubois

    Hi Norfair,

    Issue 1 is a known issue, which was introduced to fix a previous bug. It's on my to-do list :). (P.s. in the future, to make sure you're getting your money's worth, make sure to post database issues on and not this issue tracker, as this one is specifically for LaunchBox, not the database). The LaunchBox executable currently does not parse alternate names, the addition of alternate names to the database is step 1 of the implementation of alternate names. Stay tuned for more info re: adding it to LaunchBox. That also explains issue 2 :).

  2. Alex Dubois
    1. Wrong issue tracker
    2. Issue is caused by lacking implementation. Please stay tuned for Alt. name implementation to LaunchBox!
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