NES name corrupted in local database "Nintendo (Double space) Entertainment System (NES)

Issue #1964 invalid
Drakonas created an issue

I can't seem to get this fixed, and it prevents the platform video to load for the NES platform.

I even tried naming the Platform video "Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)" with double spaces.

Even if I rename the platform in the database it doesn't fix it. NES is the only platform that has the problem for me.

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Nathan, believe it or not, there is no double space there in the NES platform name. For some reason Windows has a tendency to make it look like that when it renders the platform name with an ellipsis (...). I believe if you expand your sidebar to remove the ellipsis, it should like go back to showing as a single space. This is just a rendering thing; there's not really a double space in the platform name.

    As far as the videos not showing up, it could still be a platform name conflict. The proper platform name is no longer Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), as the (NES) part has been dropped. There are several ways to solve this, one of them being selecting a value for Scrape As for the platform under Tools > Manage Platforms. Hit us up on the forums if you need more help. :)

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