Videos Not Available On EmuMovies?

Issue #2022 invalid
Robert created an issue

Hi I remember on previous versions videos in mp4 would be available for download but now I do not see any in the emumovies list anymore. What happened. How do I get videos for my games like I used to. This is LB version 6.12

Comments (4)

  1. Robert reporter

    No I never had one but I always saw a choice to download the lower quality ones now I don't see that option at all.. no video to download at all in version 6.12


  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Robert, this may have been an EmuMovies change, but to my knowledge low-quality videos were never available to download in LaunchBox from EmuMovies without a paid account. I don't know, maybe EmuMovies enabled them for a while though? This would be a question for EmuMovies support.

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