Big Box random music

Issue #207 resolved
Jason Carr repo owner created an issue

When hovered over a platform name (and probably anything in the corresponding "recent” section) I’d like it to play a random song from that platform's music folder.

Comments (3)

  1. Marcos González Troyas

    I'd really enjoy having these arcade ambience files randomly, like I did when used other frontends.

  2. Rod Wilkins

    I second this including more console-music file format types (reducing music files size and improving original audio quality) re: item #4723. VGM (sega genesis), GBS (Gameboy), GSF (gameboy advance), PSF (ps1), PSF2 (ps2), USF (n64), 2SF (DS), etc.

  3. Christian

    11.13 beta 3 introduces this requested feature. Big Box now supports sound packs that have multiple sounds per sound type. It also supports platform specific sounds, as well as allows themes to come packaged with their own sounds as well.

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