Custom display title for games based on tags

Issue #2086 new
fraganator created an issue

It'd be useful to give a game title a custom display format based on the game's tags. For example:

%title% '('%release_date_year%')' '['%region%']'

would display

Ghouls 'n Ghosts (1990) [EU]

The ability to apply a custom tag based title name would allow fine grained control on how games are listed, so the same game from different regions or different platforms can be easily identified.

The tag formatted name could be global, or perhaps only available on custom filters.

If the title formatting used some basic scripting, further formatting options could be applied. For example if a game's release date is unknown, you don't want to display empty brackets. Instead something like $if(%release_date_year%, '('%release_date_year%')') would only display the year if the tag exists.

I've based the tagging and scripting syntax on foobar2000's scripting which is quite powerful, though probably overkill for this scenario:

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