Incorrect region art randomly displayed

Issue #2110 new
fraganator created an issue

The front box art for a game may randomly show up as the incorrect region.

Steps to reproduce (tested on a clean installation):

  • Import a game using the import wizard (in this case, Rayman (Europe) on Playstation). The settings used were:
    • ROM Files
    • Sony Playstation
    • Any emulator
    • Use files in current location
    • Check LaunchBox Games DB, not wikipedia
    • Check all art
    • Check Force duplicates and uncheck PDF manuals
  • After the game has imported, it may or may not be displaying the correct region cover art.
  • Select the game and hit F5. The image shown may switch regions.
  • Hit F5 several times (at least 10, if not more), allowing the image to load between presses. You will see maybe 20% of the time the image switches regions.

In the above example, the properties of the game shows the region is set to Europe. The image folder on disk is shown in the screen shot, with the European cover art at the top level.


If I change the game's region to North America and mash F5, the cover art is always correct.

Similarly if I create a Europe folder for the cover art, move the Europen artwork into that folder, and set the game region in LB to Europe, then mash F5, the cover art is also always correct.


So there seems to be an issue where if the region is set for a game, but there's no explicit region art on disk, LB can load a different region's artwork.

Tested on:

  • LaunchBox v7.0-beta-27
  • Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit

Comments (1)

  1. fraganator reporter

    In the above example, shouldn't the Europe cover art automatically download to the Europe folder? I just tried the above with FF7, and it downloads the correct art to individual Europe and North America folders. Don't know if that's a bug, or an issue in the games DB (Edit: Looks like the games DB, I've submitted a change request to set the region).

    Another variant of this issue is if the game does not have a region set, and art exists for two different regions, it doesn't always display the same artwork after mashing F5. If I set the region image priority it always selects the preferred region (as expected), but if no region priority exists, there's no implicit priority to fall back on. An implicit priority of maybe files in the root of Box - Front, followed by North America, Europe, Japan would cover most, if not all, cases.

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