Improved Music folder structure

Issue #2126 new
Adriaan Visser created an issue

At the moment, if a game has music tracks which is downloaded through "Download Images/Media" the tracks is just placed in Music/Game's Platform.

When media is download through "Download Images/Media" for a game. Let that process create a folder with the game's name in the game's platform folder, in the music folder, even if there are not any tracks available for the game. The user can then place the game's tracks if they find it. For instance if the game is Banjo Kazooie, instead of Music\N64\, it would be Music\N64\Banjo Kazooie. so each game has it's own folder in it's platform folder.

Also when the "Front Box" image is downloaded, let the download process download it twice or make a copy of it, and then rename the filename of the copy, "Front Box" to "Cover" and place it in the game's music folder. So when the game has music and Music on-screen display is enabled. The cover will be displayed.



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