Option to Choose Archive Extraction Location and a couple more requests.

Issue #2167 new
Phil created an issue

Hi Jason,

Was curious if you could allow custom "Temp" folder location for extraction of archives? It looks as though it is hard coded into the root of "..\launchbox\7-Zip\Temp", unless I'm missing the setting somewhere.

Also would it be possible to allow for users to batch change rom paths? So lets say for example on one pc I've imported all my roms from "C:\games" into Launchbox, but then had to move my collection and now my games are located at "G:\games" now all my imported roms stop working but I should be able to select all roms and change the parent path behind the rom name or individually if needed. I realize you can just change the drive letter in windows, but that was just a simple example it could be on the same drive just organized differently than it was when originally imported.

Last, it would really be helpful if there was a way to know or even see if an image already exists before accidentally downloading duplicates when updating meta data. Maybe an icon or something to the left of the checkbox when selecting what data you want to download...maybe grey out options of images already downloaded?! Idk.

I'm REALLY loving lb/bb, thank you very much and have a Merry CHRISTmas!

Comments (4)

  1. Merlijn Wissink

    +1 for archive extract location. I have Launchbox and the accompanying roms on a hard drive, but I would like Launchbox to extract the roms onto my ssd.

  2. fraganator

    The Archive Cache Manager add-on I wrote a while ago will let you use a custom archive location. The LaunchBox\7-Zip\Temp location is still used (by LaunchBox), but the folder is auto-populated with links to the actual files, which can be in another folder or on another disk. It'll also dramatically decrease load times for games already stored in the archive cache.

  3. Merlijn Wissink

    That looks like a pretty cool extension! I will definitely take a look at it later today. I have a lot of gamecube and wii games decrypted/compressed using nNASOS and then compressed into .rar. The combination saves a ton of space (we're talking about terabytes here), but starting a game takes a bit of time because the file has to be decompressed and then encrypted (or decompressed again, if you want) using nNASOS (using a custom made script which I hope still works together with your plugin).

    I'm willing to sacrifice a bit if time for the space savings, but nevertheless I was a bit annoyed because the double-decompressing process was mostly bottlenecked by my hard drive speed. Your plugin seems to fix that, plus adds a cool cache feature. Didn't think of that myself, but now I read about it, it sounds pretty nice.

    Anyway, I went a bit off-topic there. Thanks for the heads-up, I'll take a look :)

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