Random Crahsing in 7.2

Issue #2207 resolved
apaganoiv created an issue

Hi All,

I just updated to 7.2. Restarted and it seems that launch box will crash when trying different actions. I have not tried big box yet. the first time it gave and error, (didn't get to capture it). I was just trying to launch a SNES game. I closed out, reopened and was able to play. After, I went to edit some Rom info to see if there was any theme music yet and it crashed. This time no error. Windows just said Launch box quit and needs to close. If i can get it to produce and error I will post it here. I attached a screenshot of it crashing, though I am not sure it will be to helpful as there's no error.

I'm running Windows 10 Pro with Launch box installed in my google drive.

Comments (8)

  1. Layby

    I also have this problem. This always happens when selecting the game to get the game sub menu then selecting back. I'm using the Critical Zone theme.

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Thank you very much guys, my apologies for the trouble. It looks like I really botched the 7.2 release, sigh. I'm putting out 7.3 now which I'm hoping will fix all of the issues. Please let me know if you guys are still seeing these issues with 7.3.

  3. Layby

    @jasondavidcarr Thanks mate, the update fixed the crashing problems. Video play back is still a bit choppy, it sometimes sounds like there's two videos playing at once. In addition the option to start on the 'All Games' view just brings up the search and alphabet bar only. I'm on the latest 7.4 beta now.

  4. apaganoiv reporter

    No problem and thanks for the quick replys Jason. I will try updating to 7.3 and see if that fixes the issue I am seeing. I'll also keep an eye out for any other bugs.

  5. apaganoiv reporter

    @jasondavidcarr So far so good. Since I have it installed in my Google drive, is there anything I need to make sure is updated on the computer that I use so that there are no issues? I know the .net has to be a certain version or something? Thanks again for the updates!

  6. Jason Carr repo owner

    Thank you guys. Layby, I just put out a new beta that I'm hoping will resolve the two videos playing at once thing, as well as the issues with All Games. Please let me know if you're still seeing any of those issues with 7.4-beta-2.

    apaganoiv, as long as it's running, then you should be good to go, though you might want to make sure you're all updated with Windows Update.

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