BigBox game videos keep playing in background

Issue #2215 resolved
Robin Levingstone created an issue

I'm having a problem with the most recent builds of BigBox, When I start it as soon as I go into a platform the first video for the game I am on will continue to play in the background while I am browsing through other games. It's not always the first game but as I browse it's only a matter of time before this problem starts. Very annoying to say the least. I can't run in windows media player mode as this causes an instant crash. I am running on a 4k monitor with Windows 10 and an ASUS GTX 980ti with 16gb of ram.

Comments (7)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Robin, thanks for this report. Can you please update to the latest beta and let me know if you're still seeing this issue?

  2. Robin Levingstone reporter

    Jason, I updated to the latest beta as instructed but unfortunately the problem still persists, this time I noticed while going through my Mega Drive library BigBox seemed to get stuck on one game for a second or two and that's when the issue started again, that games video continued to play in the background even after starting an emulator or returning to the platforms menu.

  3. Robin Levingstone reporter

    Jason, I updated to the latest beta as instructed but unfortunately the problem still persists, this time I noticed while going through my Mega Drive library BigBox seemed to get stuck on one game for a second or two and that's when the issue started again, that games video continued to play in the background even after starting an emulator or returning to the platforms menu.

  4. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Robin, I just put out 7.4-beta-3 and I'm hoping it fixes this for you. If you can test and let me know, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

  5. Robin Levingstone reporter

    Jason, so far so good! flicked through a lot of games myself and then left BigBox running in attract mode for 20 minutes, so far things seem to be a bit smoother and no video double up, I'll play around a bit more in a while and let you know but so far there has been a definite improvement.

  6. Robin Levingstone reporter

    Just left BigBox in attract mode for half an hour, No problems. I think you can consider this problem fixed. Thanks Jason.

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