Drop Box Emulator not on list

Issue #2239 new
JordanGalion created an issue


I was looking at all the compatible emulators with launch box on this Forum here-http://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/28762-command-line-parameters-arguments/

And I am using Atari 2600 - Stella Emulator but you do not have it on the "Emulator Name" section on the Add Emulator Window. What should I do in this situation? Since I checked other forums for this issue. Thank you

Comments (1)

  1. fraganator

    LaunchBox can support any emulator, even if it's not in that list. You can simply write in the name of your emulator and set the emulator path.

    The default command-line should work for Stella (based on http://stella.sourceforge.net/docs/index.html#CommandLine), but you can add your own options there too. Then on the Associated Platforms tab, just add Atari 2600 (type it in the first row under the Associated Platform column.

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