Big Box high memory usage

Issue #2252 new
Joe Fruland created an issue

Since upgrading to 7.4 I've noticed Windows 10 popping up notifications that BigBix.exe is using a large amount of memory after it runs in attract mode for a day or so. I never saw this before, and I have under 200 games, so this seemed odd. I upgraded to the latest beta and am still seeing the same memory growth. I am running with attract mode and VLC videos enabled in the default theme.

The attached screenshot shows BigBox.exe Working Set is getting close to 6GB and growing steadily. This is after running attract mode for under 24 hours. I only have 8GB of memory, so eventually this will cause problems. Is there something I can do to reduce the memory, or is it a bug?

Comments (4)

  1. Joe Fruland reporter

    Here is the error Windows pops when I try to open a game while BigBox is using all that memory.lowmemory.png

  2. Joe Fruland reporter

    Thanks for the link. That does sound related. I should also mention that task manager only shows private bytes by default, and that typically stays around 1GB for me. It's the Working Set that I see run up to 5GB+ overnight.

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