LB does not update images in batch mode

Issue #2281 open
Pixel created an issue


As the title says. In batch mode, LB does not update the images from the database - it only downloads them when I manually click each game, then "edit", "download images". The link video below shows the problem:

Comments (9)

  1. Pixel reporter

    I have tested this again. LB does not update or redownload the images (front boxes) after selecting multiple games to update. It doesn't seem to matter if the game contains a database ID or not. Some games have no ID, others have wikipedia ID, or database ID - it doesn't matter because in all of these cases there are some games that are left out by LB. Yeah, some get updated, but I have hundreds of games that do not get updated at all. Unless I manually update them one by one :P

    Another problem is: some duplicate games with the same titles do not display the images in LB. Those images with numbers, I mean. I have to manually edit the names to get them displayed.

  2. Pixel reporter

    Hi Jason,

    Have you already looked into this issue? I just wanted to let you know that LB ignores many games in the database, not only front boxes but many other files from the database. Also, I can see that it concerns most platforms like Amiga and Atari.

    I am not sure if you have tested it? But I have had two installations of LB on two different partitions, and the results are always the same. It simply omits some games that already have artwork and other files in the database. I can download them only through the "edit" button manually, but I cannot do it through "download metadata and media" option after selecing multiple games to update. Also, importing new games omits the same titles/games. I hope you will look into this serious issue soon. Great thanks!

  3. Pixel reporter

    I also hope some people can test this if possible? Please do. I can let you know about some particular examples that LB omits. Let me know about any issues you experience concerning this.

  4. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Darek, I believe this was fixed a long time ago when we implemented anti-image-duplication features. Let me know if not.

  5. Pixel reporter

    No, this was NOT resolved. I've checked this out now - still missed front boxes on the latest beta.

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