Circular 'Back' behavior breaks app-exit chain

Issue #2311 new
Sheree Grier created an issue

So... what I'd like to do is map a 'back' button on my controller which does this (for example):

  • Exit emulator to go "back" to BigBox
  • back from a submenu to a menu while in BigBox
  • back from BigBox to Windows or a generic non-game frontend

...But BigBox's circular 'back' behavior (into and out of the menu) means I can't go seamlessly 'through' BigBox to a lower-level frontend. It also means that if I get any RF latency or otherwise push the 'back' button too many times while exiting an emulator, I sometimes end up in BigBox's menu when I don't want to be, which is pretty annoying.

Can BigBox maybe have a dedicated 'menu/options' bind instead of having the 'back' bind bring you to the menu?

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