Manually added games aren't found

Issue #2338 invalid
Former user created an issue

I saw the forum post about "The file you've specified for the application path was not found" being a problem with the windows search, but that forum user was autoscanning for roms.

I'm using Launchbox mostly for PC games, and I've added every game manually. I absolutely love it for all the ways to sort and categorize (though while I'm at it a way to sort by games you've checkboxed as broken would be awesome), but it's really sad when I go to show it off to my friends and they're totally sold on it until that error happens and I have to then go manually search for the .exe to load the game.

I can't find a way to fix it on my end, so I'm guessing it's a problem with the program, and I'm hoping that it can be fixed soon. Many thanks!

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Anonymous, how are you manually adding the games? What are you typing into the application path box? This does not appear to be a glitch in the application; the file apparently does not exist.

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