Request: Add 'Sort by Recently Played'

Issue #239 invalid
Ruthalas Menovich created an issue

In addition to the existing filters, a 'recently played' filter would be very helpful!

I typically play a single game repeatedly for a while, and as it is I must open launchbox and search for it each time, while if launchbox had a filter/view with games sorted by last play date, it could always show most most recently played game when opened.

The version of LaunchBox you are using : V5.5 The version of Windows you are using : Win10 x64 How often the issue occurs : NA Steps to reproduce the issue if you are able to reproduce it : NA The complete error that shows up in LaunchBox, if there is one (with all error text) : NA

Comments (5)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Ruthalas, there is a "Last Played" Arrange By option in LaunchBox, which will show your most recently played games first. Big Box will also show your most recently played games in the Recent section. Let me know if you think we need to expand these features.

  2. Ruthalas Menovich reporter

    My mistake!

    I was looking in all the wrong places. Ignore me.

    Thanks for the speedy response regardless. :)

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