Feature Request: Rename Rom's

Issue #2457 new
Major Pain created an issue

I'd love to have a feature in LaunchBox, that would allow me to rename all my imported Rom files to the name found in the LaunchBox Games DB and/or Wiki DB and/or EmuMovies DB.

Other rom renaming tools are well known, but we are allways stuck with the same xml's or dat's from various known sites, where not a single 1 renames all games that way, that they get 100% recognized by LaunchBox. There´s allways a little bit of hand fixing to do in Launchbox, so the games can be found. And after all that hand fixing in LaunchBox, the real file names are still the same, and next time i got to do all the hand fixing again. To be honest, when i bought my lifetime license i thought (without checking it) this feature would be a must have, and i don´t have to check if LaunchBox is capable of this. :)

If i missed something, and this feature is allready hidden somewhere, i appologize (or how it´s spelllttt xD) for beeing blind like a mole, hehe. Anyway thanks for this masterpiece. :)

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