Feature Request: Category for Game Characters

Issue #2475 new
John Patrone created an issue

I apologize if something like this has been proposed before, I browsed but didn't find it.

I think it would be interesting if there were a section much like platforms, but contained pictures of video game characters that you could browse and select to see all games in your library that the character is in.

In my head, I'm picturing something like a fighting game character select screen where all the characters have boxes that you can navigate around in and maybe a full character pick and bio of the character off to one side of screen.

A curated section for character images could be created in the games db, so that the community could upload images, descriptions, and games relationships, etc.

I attached a mock-up to show what I sort of picture a Big Box screen might look like. Thank you for your time.

Comments (3)

  1. Adriaan Visser

    This sounds like a cool idea. But I think if it is to be implemented, it's should be an optional feature (maybe?) for when it Launchbox is updated to a new version. the user could be asked if he wants to install this specific feature (Maybe not everyone would want this feature). Also again, if it is implementend, instead of doing it from scratch, maybe ask http://www.game-art-hq.com/ to be able to use their api to incorporate their data into LaunchBox/BigBox. I think this would be something for the far future unless it gets a lot of traction. But this a great idea.

  2. John Patrone reporter

    Good points Adriaan. I agree with you on most every point. I definitely agree that this is a low priority suggestion, and I flagged it as such. Most characters are lucky to be included in more than a couple of games, but I think the opportunity for finding out about unknown cameos would be great.

    I'm not sure about making the feature optional, however. I think that could potentially lead to confusion for users. Perhaps a better option would be to be able to hide or disable certain aspects of Big Box. I could be complete wrong about that, though.

    Thanks for the link. I wasn't aware of game-art-hq.com.

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