Custom fields do not support multiple values

Issue #249 resolved
Former user created an issue

In custom fields, using a semicolon (;) to separate multiple values does not split them as it does in other fields.

Comments (9)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Custom fields actually do support multiple values, but it's not as obvious as it should be. You can simply enter the same value twice in the grid of custom fields when you're editing a game. We should add functionality to automatically split up values via semi-colon though, to help reduce confusion.

  2. Pixel

    It’s a big issue if you have a lot of fields because details panel gets cluttered. It’s also very long.

    You cannot re-order the custom fields so that they are at the bottom, below videos and other fields.

    For me it’s a very high priority issue because I can’t read anything in the details panel anymore. It’s too long.

    Furthermore, auto populate does not work with those tags if you re-write them at the bottom. Which means you cannot make auto populated playlist this way.

  3. Pixel

    Oh, and one more thing. I tried to manually put them side by side so that I could save some space in the details panel. But then, they are not seperated in the side bar. They are all merged together as one, and then the side bar gets useless because it is a big unreadable mess.

    I hope that adding multiple (tickable) custom fields won’t take much time. Such fields already exist after all.

    So please add it as soon as possible. Been waiting years for it 🙂

  4. Pixel

    If it’s not possible, then please I hope you could add an option to change the order of “things” in the details panel. So that we could put those tags (custom fields) at the very bottom and more important fields at the top. Because scrolling down each game to wach a video or screenshots is not the best idea, I believe.

    Both features are very useful, I think. It’s just not many people know the possibilities it can give. How much powerful it is etc.

  5. Pixel

    This still doesn’t work with “Arrange By” The custom fields seem not to be seperated as they should.

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