Add Retroarch Netplay to Launchbox

Issue #2560 resolved
Carl Paulino created an issue

Netplay is pretty cool, but it's a real pain to use because we're forced to use the RA UI to start hosted games and to join existing hosted games.

But, all the info needed to host and to join existing is part of the open RA code per Hunterk over on the RA forums.

He said:

"The info's all in the source code, and the commits from radius/fr500 are pretty easy to follow along in the commit log."

So, how cool would that be if LB would integrate the option to start a game in host mode as well as have some kind of menu popup or special LB Platform or something to show the currently active Netplay sessions so you can just click on one to start up the game and join the hosted session.

I bet a lot more people would use Netplay if there was an easy front end functionality for it.

A revolutionary front end first and by Launchbox! Woohoo!

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