improving steam overlay / streaming compatibility

Issue #2576 new
Alex Zwinge created an issue

I've marked this as an enhancement....maybe it's a bug, I don't know, I guess that depends on what is intended :). This is a copy and paste from my forum thread which did not receive any replies.

I have a few issues with bbm and my steamlink / in-home streaming / steam overlay. Before submitting an issue to the bug tracker I thought I'd post here and see if you guys have any fixes or tweaks that might help. I know these may actually be steam issues but I'm leaning more towards bbm and we all know steam support is a dead end 9/10 times anyway

  1. This has been an issue with bbm since I started using it. If you pull up the overlay while either at the games list screen or the game detail screen, it mostly doesn't work.

What I normally see is usually a mash-up of the two screens, some bbm elements, some overlay elements. I can tell the overlay is actually taking the input because of the sounds but it's impossible to navigate obviously. Other times the overlay does not display at all, but still, the audio cues indicate the overlay is taking input.

Upon exiting the overlay you're still stuck with this mash up of elements which can only be cleared by by backing out one level. On more rare occasions bbm just stops taking input all together and I have to kill it.

From the main menu (where the platforms are displayed) the overlay seems to work fine.

  1. Maybe 2-3 weeks ago the steam controller (or in my case ds4) chord buttons stopped worked. The chord buttons are when you hold the home/guide button down, which modifies the button for other functions; most notable screen shots (guide+r-shoulder). These are totally non-functional, non of the bindings work. I don't know if they stopped working with a LB or steam update though. While the other two issues are a pretty big annoyance, this one really really sucks.

  2. This one is probably a steam issue. When you pull up the overlay while in-game, it also pulls up the overlay in bbm even though it does not have focus. Now if you exit the overlay by the guide button, you're fine because bbm also receives that input, however if you exit by B button/cancel or by the overlay menu, this does not exit the overlay in bbm and leads you right back into issue 1 but usually even worse (as in, its unresponsive and harder to get it to "clear" the garbled screen).

Toggling the splash screen / logo has no affect on any of these issues.

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