Playlists' features

Issue #2594 new
Pixel created an issue

In short, can you please add:

  • show playlists' notes in details panel (in LB). Quite important. Big Box already displays them.
  • remove games from playlists (without deleting them from library). Quite important.
  • playlists should support custom fields. Curently, they are totally separate things that do not work with each other. Quite important.

I will add more requests here if I have some. Thanks.

Comments (8)

  1. Pixel reporter

    Also, custom nested playlists will be quite important to save space and ability to change their order in LB (moving them up and down. Edit: I can see they can already be nested in platform view (category).

  2. Pixel reporter

    OK, it is kind of confusing at first, but what I was talking about were the custom fields (they do not work well with filters/playlists.

    The idea is to be able to auto populate those custom fields that I have created and be able to make playlists from them.

  3. Pixel reporter


    Autopopulate playlists are much harder to use than custom filters. I have to click twice to open a list. Wouldn't be nicer to keep the same window as with custom filters? It was easier and more convinient to use. When I clicked a list, it was smooth. Now something is off with these. I have to click it three times to open a list of fields! Hopefully, it is still being improved.

    There are also few fields to auto populate games. Custom fields mentioned above. But about image type is missing? Every field that is missing should be an option here for easy and fast filter. For instance, I want all or some games that miss some particular artwork.

    Look at how MusicBee filters music files. It does it perfectly! You have every possible option, no limitations. LB should work the same - no limitations how you can filter your games.

    Hopefully, these ideas can be implemented. If not now, when?

  4. Pixel reporter

    Also, the values of autopopulate in the third column should be available by themselves. Sometimes people will be confused what value they are supposed to provide to be given a desired result. So they should be displayed by themselves based on the available fields etc. and the like.

  5. Pixel reporter

    I found two other issues for improvement.

    Auto poplulate list fields can exclude each other. I cannot have favorite games and 3+ start ratings at the same time. Only one is possible. Only after I remove platform field. So basically, I cannot have 3 fields at the same time.

  6. Pixel reporter

    And when I choose "contains" a platform name, it only gives results for favorite games. It excludes 4+ star games.

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