Make LB remember last chosen filters/playlists in the sidebar

Issue #2636 new
Pixel created an issue

My collection got bigger recently, and I found a performance issue. Particularly when I close the sidebar with a chosen playlist it re-loads the whole library - the filter/playlist disappears.

Also, whenever I change filter in the sidebar, it re-loads all the games (all platforms) in the library every time.

So hiding the sidebar should keep the chosen playlist/filter. Also, when I want to switch to platforms or genres etc., LB should not re-load all the games in the library but rememer the last filter. It would speed up LB. Please do it.

Comments (2)

  1. Pixel reporter

    With such a big collection now, I am simply afraid to touch the sidebar (or to hide it) because it re-loads all the games in the library every time I change the view.

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