Issue with import

Issue #2670 invalid
Former user created an issue

On the latest version of launchbox (7.7) - if you import a folder (specifically I was doing SNES) and let it add all the files it sees. Then, I noticed that one of the files was a ZIP file and not the normal SNES extension of SMC. Launchbox imported the game anyway, but I wanted to have it not zipped. So, I right clicked the file in launchbox and chose DELETE. It deleted it. Then, I unzipped the file in the directory. I then did "scan for new roms for <platform>" and launchbox is like Nothing new found!!! not sure if it's because I deleted it there's still a record of it somehow? Not sure how to add this now... maybe manually add it?

Comments (4)

  1. Bob

    OK, strike that - no matter what it doesn't see new files. I just added more files that were never added before to the directory, and it still says "no new files found!" ideas??

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