[REQUEST] Support Attributes for ROM Path in command line

Issue #2673 new
Victor Tabram created an issue

Some Retroarch cores require the ROM path to NOT be at the end of the command line.

By having the following attributes:

%fullpath% %romname% %foldername%

You gain a number of benefits. You no longer need the other checkboxes for removing quotes or "use folder name" etc. although they can obviously remain. Someone can also then completely design how they want a commandline to be parsed to the emulator.

All you need is to specify one of the above in either the default command line section or the platform specific one, something like the following:

-fullscreen -rompath="%fullpath%" -someother=setting

Note that the quotes are manually added and if you don't want them, you just remove them.

It could be toggled on or off with a "Use ROM attributes" checkbox which would then disable the other rom formatting checkboxes.

Just as simple to use. Much more powerful. Allows more Emulators to work with LB out of the box.

As outlined in this discussion:

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