Suggestion: Provide control for ServoStik on per-game basis

Issue #2710 new
Mike Miller created an issue

Lifetime license holder here.

I would like Bigbox to allow for per-game control of ServoStik ( 4-way to 8-way powered restrictor switching. It can be switched from 4-way to 8-way and back via software (command-line or GUI). I spoke to the guy (Andy) at Ultimarc who said the restrictor can be changed automatically depending on the game using certain front ends. I asked about Launchbox/Bigbox, but he wasn't familiar.

I'm using Bigbox to run MAME games, and I'd like to have the joystick's restrictor plate to automatically change to 4-way when playing games like Donkey Kong and Pac Man, and change to 8-way when playing Street Fighter, etc. Presumably I'd have to set a "default" for all games (8-way) and then manually configure it to switch to 4-way for selected games that require it.

If there's already a solution for this, please accept my apologies and please provide me appropriate docs.

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