Attract mode options?

Issue #2724 new
Mike Miller created an issue

Hi, lifetime license holder here.

I like the idea of "attract mode". Not having played with front ends before (and therefore not having played with such a mode before), I would like to see the option for an attract mode that doesn't focus so much on the front end, but the games themselves. For example, I'd like to see a full-screen video of a game for a set period of time, and then move onto another game video. An option to have it cycle through my "favorite" games first, or at least favor those games in the cycle would be a bonus.

When I walk into an arcade, machines are sitting there looping over intro credits and a video loop of gameplay. I'd like to see something like this for a few minutes, and then the same for some other game, indefinitely, until the front end is "wokeup up" by joystick, button, etc.

Does this make any sense?

Usually my ideas aren't ones that end up being high priority, but I wanted to throw this out there.

Comments (1)

  1. Tom W

    +1 I had something like this configured in Hyper Launcher - attract mode would work as it does now, but after 5 seconds the video would change to fullscreen and play until attract mode was initiated again. Bonus is that it prevents burn in on my lovey plasma tv.

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