What user data does Launchbox collect

Issue #2732 invalid
Former user created an issue


First I would like to thank you for developing Launchbox. I have tested it on my test PC but haven't installed it on my primary system or purchased a premium key because I have privacy concerns. I don't want any data about my OS,CPU,GPU,emulators,or roms going to Launchbox for data mining. If you do collect user data I couldn't find it in your ULA/TOS. If you don't collect any user data from the Launchbox app adding a (We don't collect user data) to your site would give people like me the confidence to buy a full license. Finally consider Steam vs Digital Homicide. You could get a subpoena for all customers who use a specific emulator or use a specific rom. Not tracking user data and adding a warrant canary would solve this problem and I would feel safe using Launchbox premium on my primary system.

You can reach me at georgewashingmycar@protonmail.com

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Anonymous, I believe I already responded to you on Reddit, but I'll respond here as well. LaunchBox does not collect any information about your collection, nor any information about your PC. We have no need for that information and are not interested in collecting it.

    Here's what we do collect:

    • Error information whenever an error occurs so that we know about it and can fix it. This includes no information about your computer other than the error information that is displayed on screen.
    • Whenever an update check is run on startup, we know that the application was started up, and what version it is. This is used for very rudimentary traffic reporting, and can be turned off by disabling the automatic update checking.

    Beyond that, it is possible to actively give us information about your collection by going to the Cloud menu in LaunchBox and connecting it to the LaunchBox Games Database, but nothing is sent unless you choose to connect LaunchBox to a games database account, and the only reason to do this is if you want to upload your collection to the cloud so that it's available online. We don't care either way whether you do this or not, because we don't use the data for anything but allowing people to view their games on the web. That's it.

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