import metadata from txt,csv,xml,nfo(kodi)

Issue #274 new
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Comments (3)

  1. James Pyle

    I was just thinking this last night. With Kodi/Rom Collection Browser you can download a dat file off the internet and it will parse the file for all data very fast, rather than having to scrape for a long time.

    Also once imported .nfo files are created that you can save and reuse for importing later if you have to redo your collection.

    But it's probably not easy to add to LB.

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    That's sort of similar to the LocalDB, which is basically an offline copy of TheGamesDB that comes with LaunchBox. The only issue with that is of course there's no images or media. But you can check the Local DB only to completely avoid having to go to the Internet. .nfo type-files have been requested before, but they are more of a pain because of the various types of games and files (PC games vs. ROMS, etc.). For example, we probably shouldn't litter PC games' Program Files folders with nfo files. Feel free to add a ticket for this though, I do agree that it would be nice for ROMs at least.

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