Export Library

Issue #2742 new
james j created an issue

Hey there love your application i never knew such beauty existed till i found your amazing creation so to that keep up the good work.

While building my library i was itching to get it built. So i cut a few corners and was wondering if there is a work around as i have not been able to find away to do this on the program itself or through tutorials/ forums. So when you import a ROM it asks you to copy to launch box folder / keep the original directory. I now want everything in my launch box directory is there a way to export all my rom files to the launch box folder or do i need to manually input each game again and select that option. I hope there is an easy work around because i have spent about 9 hours building my library with the correct titles/ names/ platforms / artworks etc and i really dont want to have to do that again

Many thanks James!

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