7.8 Custom Filters Elimintation Warning

Issue #2750 invalid
Kevin Haworth created an issue

Maybe I just didn't read something I should have when the 7.8 update rolled out, but I would have appreciated warning that I would have to redo my Custom Filters if I updated. I had quite a few of them, so it's a pain to remake what I had in Playlists.

Comments (4)

  1. Carl Paulino

    Yeah, that's a bad deal to the end user getting no warning or conversion. I will face that too when I upgrade.

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    I'm sorry guys, you're right. I should've thought of that. Unfortunately it's a bit late to do much about it now. You should be able to at least still get at the XML data for the custom filters in the data backups, but I realize that that's not really very helpful. I'm gonna close this out though since there's not much we can do about it now that the release is out.

  3. Carl Paulino

    I'm not sure why you would close this out instead of fixing it for the next release? Maybe you assume every LB user will be on 7.8 already when going to 7.9+? I don't think that's the case. Just my two cents...

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