infinite hangs and unresponsive since 7.8 update

Issue #2820 closed
lee swift created an issue

Hi. Since updating to 7.8 from 7.7, Launchbox has been suffering quite severe performance issues.

Selecting a platform or playlist or generally just switching between things can often cause hang time which only wakes up if i attempt to minimize Launchbox or switch away from it and back in again. For example if I also have Chrome browser open, I will just switch over to Chrome then quickly back to Launchbox to bring it back to life.

Right clicking on a game will frequently have mostly greyed out options. The same switching thing is usually the solution for this too. This kind of behavior is happening all over the place in Launchbox.

I've also noticed by observing task manager that cpu usage is significantly worse than it used to be during scrolling. When i scroll through a list of games, cpu usage will now leap up to around 60%. It was not like this on 7.7.

Launchbox is now either very lagged or completely unresponsive. Navigating within BigBox is a little slower but has not been hit to anywhere near the same extent as Launchbox which is now barely usable for me.

My System;

Win7 64 i5 2500k 24gb ddr3

Regards, Lee.

Comments (2)

  1. OnlyHuman1073

    I also am having the same issues. i7, Win10. Notably switching main pane and back again fixes this, but launchbox does seem to be taking more CPU power.

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